MBRC Fire Burns Today At Morayfield and Griffin 2020-05-13
Also A planned burn of River Breeze Drive Park 20 River Breeze Drive Griffin is scheduled for Wednesday 13 May 2020.
Both of these burns are required to reduce the volume of forest litter fuel, thereby reducing potential bushfire hazards.
The burns will also assist in providing conditions essential for native plant species regeneration.
Smoke is likely to be generated during the burn. We are aware that this may cause some inconvenience; however, all attempts will be made to limit any adverse impacts on nearby residents.
Residents and businesses around the planned burn areas are reminded to take the following precautions:
Keep doors and windows closed and set air-conditioners to recirculate to prevent smoke entering homes
Keep outdoor furniture under cover to prevent ember burns
Retract pool covers and shade structures to prevent ember damage
Remove washing from clothes lines
Ensure pets have a protected area
If driving through smoke, vehicles must slow down, keep windows up and turn headlights on
Sightseers must keep away from the burns for their own safety.
Smoke is likely to be generated during the burn. We are aware that this may cause some inconvenience; however, all attempts will be made to limit any adverse impacts on nearby residents.
If you have asthma or other breathing difficulties, reduce outdoor activities when smoke levels are high. If shortness of breath or coughing develops, take advised medical precautions or seek medical advice.
In an emergency call 000. Now for further information on this burn, please contact Council on (07) 3205 0555 or alternatively information can be found at www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au/plannedburns/