Stocktake app for graziers is back and better than ever before

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Stocktake app for graziers is back and better than ever before

A new and improved smart device application to assist beef and sheep producers with their grazing land management practices is ready to download free.

Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Communities Mark Furner said the new version of the ‘Stocktake app’ is user friendly and a helpful tool for graziers, consultants and other land managers in the paddock.

“The app is designed to use in the paddock even without connectivity and features everything a grazier or land manager needs to assist with stocking and monitoring their paddocks,” Mr Furner said.

“App users will be able to balance supply of available pasture with demand from stock in the paddock, to monitor land condition, store their monitoring information and produce reports for property records.

“Short-term stocking rates can also be calculated, there is a guide for forage budgeting and the app also stores rainfall records.

“Supporting graziers with the tools they need to succeed is important to economic development in regional Queensland, and will help agriculture play a leading role in Queensland’s plan for economic recovery.”

Funded by the Queensland Government, the app is a new and improved version of previous software and is integrated with the well-known ‘Stocktake Workshop’ package.

Mr Furner said the app’s new features include:

  • Spatial data mapping, which allows the user to easily locate and pin a grazing property; and
  • Updated pasture growth modelling data, land type mapping and Adult Equivalent information.

Mr Furner said the ‘StocktakeGLM’ app stores rainfall records and stock numbers converted to adult equivalents, can display current stock and land condition reports, and record GPS coordinates of monitoring sites.

“The app’s inbuilt features include regionally-specific land type descriptions, pasture and ground cover photo standards and an accessible yield calculator,” he said.

“While the app currently centres on Queensland grazing data, there is capacity to include the northern Australian grazing production areas of the Northern Territory and Western Australia in the future.”

‘Stocktake app’ uses secure data transfer and storage technology to ensure user information remains private and secure.

The new app can be downloaded for free by searching for ‘StocktakeGLM’ in the Apple Store or via Google Play.