First Glasshouse Local Heroes Winners for 2021 Announced

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First Glasshouse Local Heroes Winners for 2021 Announced

Member for Glass House Andrew Powell is excited to announce the four winners of his his first round of Local Heroes Grants for 2021.


Each year, up to four grants of $250 are available for individuals or groups in the electorate, four times a year.


“I often have community groups approach me for financial support, so these grants are a great place to be able to direct them to” said Mr Powell.


The grants are designed to help small community groups and local individuals get by. Sporting clubs, neighbourhood centres, RSL’s P&C’s and Rural Fire Brigades, as well as students or adults competing in State, National or International sporting endeavours, are just some examples of who can apply.


In no particular order, the winners of round one were:


  • Speak Up Now – Stop Domestic and Family Violence – funding a forum to teach hairdressers and barbers to see the signs of domestic violence and know how to approach the subject with clients;
  • Toorbul Pony Club Inc – funding canteen supplies for their annual gymkhana;
  • Restoring Hope Parkinson’s Therapy – purchasing portable signage for events and fridge magnets to provide therapy reminders for patients; and
  • Celebrate Glasshouse Country Inc. – funding new resident kits but together in conjunction with the Glasshouse Country Neighbourhood Watch.

“The Local Heroes Grants program will run throughout the year and, you never know, on occasion I may be able to give more than four grants in a round.”


Applications for round two are currently open and will remain open until Tuesday 25th May.


“I didn’t get as many applications as usual this round, so make sure you apply for round two! There’s $1,000 to give away and your group might get the chance to share in that money.”

“If you’re in need of some extra money to fund an event, keep the lights on or train someone new in your organisation, let me know! Apply for the next round of grants.”


“To apply for round two, head over to my website at” Mr Powell concluded.