Caboolture Sports Softball – join and play the game

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Caboolture Sports Softball – join and play the game

Why Play Softball ?:

Softball is a fantastic workout.

Kids (boys & girls from the age of 5 years old) who play the sport will improve their hand-eye co. ordination & cardio vascular health.

The game involves running, swinging, & throwing – making it the perfect opportunity to build muscle strength, increase endurance & more.

The adults /seniors (18+ years old right through to finding retirees enjoying softball into their 60’s & beyond) benefit with:
physical activity with low risk of injury playing for a lifetime.

Not too many sports offer this much flexibility building lifelong friendships.

Softball builds camaraderie & team mates to bond simply because they love the sport.

Building trust with team mates.

Along with mental toughness, softball forces players to learn to trust their team mates plus learn how to work as a team during ups & downs of the game.

These social skills carry over into the workplace where people have to work in teams on a regular basis At the Dances Road Sports Complex

The CABOOLTURE SPORTS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION have 2 versions for the juniors & seniors:
Being a highly competitive version that the young men & young women can play at an extremely fast pace Or It can be the slow-moving pace that the older men & women play to stay active & spend time with their friends.

Whether you play the fastpitch or the slower slow pitch, the game of softball has plenty of benefits.

In our busy worlds, there is little time for the whole family to get together & play. So, come on out to the Dances Road Sports Complex, ring 0412 700 088 for a team to play in …. & enjoy it

Finally, Softball provides “time for fun”

You can find more on their website  or follow their Journey on facebook