Get ready for the severe weather season

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Get ready for the severe weather season

Minister for Fire and Emergency Services, Mark Ryan, is warning Queenslanders to be ready for the severe weather season.


“With La Nina conditions active for the 2020/21 severe weather season, Queensland could face heavier than usual rainfall.


“We can’t control the weather or when the next disaster will hit Queensland, but we can all be aware and prepared.


“It’s about all of us giving ourselves the best chance of achieving the best possible outcome despite what weather extremes may come our way.


“Many Queenslanders have experienced destructive cyclones and devastating floods and they know just how significant the impacts can be.


“It’s important that everyone takes a little time to ready their families for the challenges that may come our way.”


Minister Ryan said getting ready for the summer season involved three key points:


Have an emergency and evacuation plan

Pack your emergency kit

Make sure you’re covered – check your insurance


“It doesn’t take that much time to get ready.


“For example it only takes about 10 minutes to prepare your household emergency plan on the Get Ready Queensland Website:


“Summer is a great time in Queensland, but as we have seen so many times over the years, it can also pose some challenges.


“So let’s enjoy the summer with the peace of mind of knowing that we are all prepared for whatever the weather may bring.”


Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) Commissioner Greg Leach said QFES was prepared for a busy severe weather season.


“QFES is well-resourced to meet the challenges of storms and cyclones, thanks to our dedicated volunteers and our specialist swift-water rescue firefighters,” Mr Leach said.


“QFES personnel train throughout the year to hone their skills so they can respond quickly and safely in an emergency.”


Mr Leach said recent severe weather in the south-east corner of the state demonstrated the destructive impact a storm could have on a community.


“The State Emergency Service (SES) received more than 3,400 requests for assistance after large hail wreaked havoc in late October,” he said.


“The SES and Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) firefighters worked hard to tarp damaged roofs, with support from our interstate SES colleagues in New South Wales and South Australia, while our Rural Fire Service (RFS) volunteers also provided assistance to affected residents, including welfare checks.”


Mr Leach said it was important residents took steps now to protect themselves and their loved ones.


“Removing debris from the around the home, cleaning gutters and downpipes, trimming overhead branches and securing loose items in the yard can make a big difference when wild weather hits,” he said.


“All households should have emergency and evacuation plans, a well-supplied emergency kit with important items and ensure their insurance is up to date.


Mr Leach said tourists should also be mindful of their surroundings in case the weather changed quickly.


“Those visiting Queensland this summer may have never experienced a severe weather event,” he said.


“It is important tourists tune into local media for weather updates, stay indoors during bad weather, never enter floodwater, and record the details of the locations they are visiting in case they need to seek help in an emergency.


“While our highly-trained personnel are ready to help when called upon, everyone needs to do their bit this storm and cyclone season to reduce the impact of severe weather.”