Featured Place Of Interest – Centenary Lakes Caboolture

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Featured Place Of Interest – Centenary Lakes Caboolture

Central to Caboolture’s busy town centre, hides one the regions best water parklands, Centenary Lakes Park off Morayfield road.

A beautiful parkland teeming with wildlife including an amazing variety of ducks, bush turkeys, guinea fowls, cockatoos, eels, turtles and more.

There are bridges and gentle waterfalls all around the lakes with wide flat paths suitable for wheelchairs, strollers and scooters.

Also plenty of seating scattered along the walkways to have a picnic under a shady tree or on a grassed area and try to spot as much wildlife as you can.

If you like exploring new locations to take a walk, Centenary Region’s Lakes Park is registered in the Moreton Bay Region’s 10,000 steps program.

Starting from the Riverview Street entry, the walk loops around the full perimeter of the park, behind Caboolture Sports Centre & through Apex Park. The 2.1 km walk or 2625 steps walk, usually takes 20 to 25 minutes to complete.

Well worth the visit.


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