Energex converts living room into lifesaving classroom

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Energex converts living room into lifesaving classroom

With most primary school children currently learning from home Energex has modified its highly-successful Safety Heroes electrical safety program to be delivered free by parents.

Energex’s Executive General Manager Community, Customer and Corporate Affairs Michael Dart said every year most of Queensland schools roll out Energex and Ergon Energy’s Safety Heroes which teaches primary school children invaluable electrical safety knowledge in an easy to learn and engaging short program.

“Putting it simply, this program is one that can save a child’s life by providing them electrical safety life skills in an easy to deliver format for any parent or caregiver,” Mr Dart said.

“The program runs in 95 per cent of Queensland schools and uses three fun super hero-style characters to teach youngsters about electricity as well as its dangers in the home and in their neighbourhood.

“And in light of the coronavirus restrictions, we have shifted the entire teaching resource pack online at www.energex.com.au/safetyheroes (then click on Heroes at Home) making it easy for anyone with internet access to work through the program with children.

“The Energex Facebook page also has a great instructional short video in the #Heroesathome post.”

Mr Dart said now more than ever Safety Heroes was vital because the current generation of primary school children were exposed to electricity more than ever before.

“Even before they’re at school most children have direct contact with electrical appliances ranging from smart phones to gaming consoles,” he said.

“Most know how to plug them in but often not fully aware of the associated dangers they could face when dealing with electrical goods.

“This course will highlight such pitfalls and how to avoid them making it information that could not only save their life, but that of a friend or family member.”