More Funds for Local Recycling and Reuse Businesses Available.

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More Funds for Local Recycling and Reuse Businesses Available.

The Palaszczuk Government has opened up funding for local waste recovery and recycling businesses that have new projects to reduce waste in Queensland.

Round Two is open for the Resource Recovery Industry Development Program (RRIDP) which offers $100 million over three years to help develop resource recovery industries here in Queensland.

“Queensland currently only reuses or recycles 45 per cent of our waster and the other 55 per cent goes to land fill,” said Chris Whiting MP.

“That’s a lot of potential materials and business opportunities that we are simply burying.

“We want to turn that around and make Queensland a world leader in resource recovery, recycling remanufacturing of materials.

“The RRDIP will provide funds for local businesses, no-for-profits and local governments to improve existing facilities or create new major resource recovery projects.

“In Round One Stanley Asphalt in Brendale got $2 million toward an $18.9 million project establishing an asphalt recycling facility at Tivoli, diverting 243,075 tonnes per annum of waste from landfill and supporting 16 new jobs.

“I encourage all local business in this recycling and reuse sector to take advantage of the opportunity and put in an application for the RRIDP if they can,” said Chris Whiting.

The RRDIP funding opportunities include:

  • Stream One: Resource Recovery Industry Grants fund, provides dollar-for-dollar grants from $50,000 to $5 million for facilities and infrastructure projects that align with the RRIDP and its objectives. It operates in a competitive rounds-based system. we’ve fast-tracked release of a $15 million second rounding of funding for Stream One.
  • Stream Two: Resource Recovery Project Fund, aims to attract or expand major resource recovery operations. These are expected to be larger-scale projects which offer significant opportunities for Queensland and expressions of interest are invited to determine eligibility ahead of progressing to detailed application.
  • Stream Three: Resource Recovery Project Investment Pipeline Fund, offers up to $1 million support for pre-project activities, such as professional and technical investigations, to inform final investment decisions. No co-contribution is required for this stream.

Applications will close 5pm Friday 20 September 2019, and businesses can go to