Big Success in Community Campaign for Christ the King Crossing Supervisor!

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Big Success in Community Campaign for Christ the King Crossing Supervisor!

Christ the King School at Deception Bay will be getting a crossing supervisor on Thompson St after an extensive local campaign by the Deception bay community and local MP Chris Whiting.

Chris Whiting sponsored a petition calling on the Minister for Transport to fund the position and joined with the Christ the King school community to gather signatures on-line or at street stalls outside the school.

“This is great news for the school and every family who relies on that crossing to get their kids safely to school each day.  It shows people power can still win the day,” said Chris Whiting.

“The funding for this crossing supervisor starts Term 4, so I hope we can see a crossing supervisor on Thompson St when school gets back on Tuesday 8 October.

“The key was getting everyone to spread to news about the petition and encouraging all their family and friends to sign it.

“We promoted it on social media, we conducted street stalls outside the school and had copies at the school for people to sign.

“We also door knocked the local streets around Christ the King School with local school volunteer and resident Gail Kropp to gather signatures on the petition.

“This school has a great community wrapped around it and it was only through their keen efforts that we have made this positive change.

“I want to thank everyone in Deception Bay and everyone in the school community who got behind this petition to make our streets safer for our kids,” said Chris Whiting.