Palaszczuk Government cracks down on dangerous devices used by extremists
The Palaszczuk Government has given the green light to new powers that target the tactics of extremists who pose a risk to the public and themselves.
A new offence will be created aimed at stopping dangerous devices being used by extremists to shut down public thoroughfares and infrastructure.
This new offence will make it illegal to possess such devices.
And police will have the power to search a person or vehicle suspected of carrying one of these devices.
These changes will make it easier for police to prevent disruptions to the daily lives of Queenslanders.
As well, anyone who uses one of these devices during a protest, will also be subject to a new offence.
Police Minister Mark Ryan said Queensland had entered a new era of extremist action.
“No-one disputes the right of people to protest peacefully and lawfully.
“It is a bedrock principle of our democratic society.
“The changes to the law we are introducing will have no impact on the ability of anyone to protest lawfully.
“But the actions we are witnessing now are not protests.
“What we are seeing now from these extremists is a flagrant disregard for the law and the rights of others.
“What we are seeing is a cohort who, by their actions, clearly take the view that their opinions and beliefs override the legal rights of others.
“These extremists wilfully disrupt the right of others to go about their daily lives without interruption.
“This is contrary to the shared values of our democratic society.
“And this extreme behaviour will not be tolerated.
“The Queensland Police Service acknowledges the rights of people to protest lawfully and peacefully.
“But anyone who breaks the law, will feel the full force of the law,” the Minister said.