Delivering more than jobs: More midwives for local hospitals

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Delivering more than jobs: More midwives for local hospitals

More midwives are being employed at local hospitals by the Palaszczuk Government to help deliver the newest residents into the Bancroft electorate, said Chris Whiting.

There are six new midwife positions at Redcliffe Hospital, two new midwifery positions at Caboolture Hospital and three at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital.

“Local mums and dads now have access to more midwives because the Palaszczuk Government is delivering on its commitment to deliver more midwives into Queensland’s public hospitals,” said Chris Whiting.

“Last year around 1,700 babies were born at Redcliffe Hospital, along with almost 1,900 at Caboolture and over 4,700 at the RBWH.

“These new midwife positions are part of our delivery on the promise we made to provide Queenslanders with 3,500 additional nurses and midwives by 2020.

“We call the new midwife positions MaTiLdas, which is short for Maternity Team Leaders.

“The new positions brings the total number of midwives at Redcliffe Hospital to 77.

“One of these new clinical midwives is a specially-trained lactation consultant providing expert support to mothers around breastfeeding and helping guide the hospital toward accreditation with the Baby-Friendly Health Initiative,” said Chris Whiting