We’ll Drink To That: New Program to Support Qld Food and Beverage Producers

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We’ll Drink To That: New Program to Support Qld Food and Beverage Producers

Queensland’s unique artisan food and beverage producers will get a boost from a new Palaszczuk Government grant scheme that will get our unique products into more fridges and pantries around the world, said Chris Whiting.

The Artisan Producers grant offers $5,000 in matched funding that can be used by growers and brewers to access professional advice, develop a website or even a digital marketing campaign.

“Whether its honey or macadamia nuts, chocolates, jams or cheeses, Queenslanders are creating one of a kind food and beverage products,” said Chris Whiting.

“The Artisan Producers grant program to help more small scale producers get started, grow and create more jobs.

“The programs is part of a plan called Supporting Artisan Producers that sets out a range of actions we are taking to support increased investment, productivity, competitiveness and innovation.

“Queensland is home to over 1800 food and beverage production small businesses, using unique craftsmanship, traditional methods, and a philosophy of connection with place and environment.

“By supporting local companies delivering appetising products to buyers we are fostering entrepreneurship and skills, boosting tourism and providing employment opportunities for Queensland families,” said Chris Whiting.

For more Information about the plan and the grants program, go to business.qld.gov.au/artisanproducer