LNP’s plan to protect iconic pelicans at the Bribie Island Bridge

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LNP’s plan to protect iconic pelicans at the Bribie Island Bridge

The Opposition Leader & member for Nanango The Hon. Deb Frecklington speech at Bribie Island on the issue of the Bribie Island Bridge Pelicans Roosts

Plus  the Member for Pumicestone Simone Wilson on her take of the situation and the plan forward.

LNP Leader Deb Frecklington and Member for Pumicestone Simone Wilson have announced the LNP’s plan to reinstate roosting perches on every light post across the Bribie Bridge for the Island’s most loved and iconic pelicans.

Today’s announcement follows the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s decision to change the light fittings and install steel deterrents on each of the 13 lights spanning the Bribie Island Bridge without public consultation.

“Earlier this year Bribie’s pelicans were left with nowhere to go when a senseless decision prevented them from landing on their decades-old roosts,” Ms Frecklington said.

“This was a big mistake and Labor completely underestimated the might of Bribie locals.

“You simply can’t roll into a community, mess with one of its treasures and get away with it.

“The Palaszczuk Labor Government has once again betrayed the local Bribie community by returning only five roosts.

“Labor’s half-hearted remedy for the pelicans simply isn’t good enough.

Simone Wilson has been at the forefront of a local campaign to have the Palaszczuk Labor Government hear the pleas of her community to return all roosts.

“It’s been difficult for my community to comprehend this entire debacle,” Ms Wilson said.

“Not only will an LNP Government reinstate the roosts on all 13 light posts, we will remove the cold callous deterrents.

“They’ve now created a first in best dressed situation for the pelicans.

“We want the pelicans to land on their familiar roosting site without threat of injury.

“Only the LNP can be trusted to do the right thing by the pelicans of Bribie Bridge.”

LNP’s Plan to Protect Pelicans

  • Reinstate roosting perches on every light post across the bridge for Bribie Islands most loved pelicans to once again inhabit
  • Remove the deterrents from each light and build alternative perches spanning the bridge
  • Ensure pelicans can land on their familiar roosting site without the threat of injury