330 Locals to Gain New Job Skills

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330 Locals to Gain New Job Skills

330 local residents will be recruited into seven new job training programs in Deception Bay, said Chris Whiting MP.

$2.2 million has been awarded to local community organisations in Deception Bay to deliver jobs training programs to locals.

“Nothing is more important than delivering jobs, and better schools and hospitals to our community,” Chris Whiting said.

“The Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) program has delivered a record amount of funds to Deception Bay to put hundreds of locals into jobs.

“Since we relaunched SQW in 2015, more than 800 locals who have been through a SQW program have gone on to find a job.

“One family of five long-term unemployed people from Deception Bay all found work after going through an SQW program.

“This is a program that is literally changing people’s lives,” said Chris Whiting.

The latest funding round sees seven programs locally awarded funding, providing courses on everything from conservation and land management, to retail, hospitality and childcare.

“These seven programs will provide training and skills for 330 people, making it easier for them to secure work,” said Chris Whiting.

Three local community organisations, the Deception Bay Community Youth Programs, Deception Bay Neighbourhood Centre and Movement TwentyTwo will provide these courses in conjunction with four registered training organisations.