Work ethic drives 2019 Youth Member for Nanango

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Work ethic drives 2019 Youth Member for Nanango

Member for Nanango, Deb Frecklington has officially welcomed the Nanango Electorate’s 2019 Youth Member, Natalia Hutchison, to her role and congratulated her on taking on this important challenge.

Mrs Frecklington caught up with Natalia in Brisbane, where Natalia works full-time as a Paralegal for the Brisbane City Council.

“It was a privilege to meet Natalia and hear about her work, studies and community involvement,” Mrs Frecklington said.

“Not only does she work full-time, she is undertaking a double degree in Arts/Law and has chosen to represent her home region of Kilcoy as this year’s Youth Member for Nanango.

“Natalia’s work ethic is to be admired and it’s fantastic to see a young woman like Natalia taking up this leadership role and bringing her energy to the Youth Parliament experience.

“She is a very driven person and an amazing role model for other young regional women who want to step up and get involved in creating positive change for our community.

“I was also impressed by her sense of community and the ongoing connection she has with her hometown of Kilcoy. She has a keen interest in communicating with young people that growing up in a small town is not seen as a disadvantage, but rather an opportunity – a belief I also firmly share,” Deb said.

The YMCA Youth Parliament is an annual program which teaches young people about the government decision-making process, while providing leadership opportunities for young people who may one day become Queensland’s future decision makers.

Natalia will join more than 90 other young people from around Queensland who have each been selected to represent their Electorates, debate issues facing our youth and develop legislation that they will take to a residential week at Parliament House from 29 September – 5 October.

Photo Above: Member for Nanango, Deb Frecklington, with the Nanango Electorate’s Youth Member, Natalia Hutchison.