Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Grant Applications Open

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Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Grant Applications Open

The new Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Grant Program from the Palaszczuk Government will reveal the stories of Queenslanders with lived experience of institutional child abuse across said Chris Whiting MP.

The grant program will continue the work of the Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse by revealing the truth of what happened to children and contributing to healing and reconciliation in Queensland.

“Too many Queenslanders experienced truly traumatic childhoods in some Queensland institutions and I know we can travel the path to further reconciliation and healing if we can share their stories,” said Chris Whiting.

“I want our local community groups to think seriously if they could initiate a project and help heal some of past pain and humiliation of some local residents.

“The program will provide funding of up to $10,000 for community groups and organisations to undertake projects related to truth, healing and reconciling,” said Chris Whiting.

Activities may include projects, events or initiatives that:

acknowledge and raise awareness of institutional child abuse and its impact

support those with lived experience to speak out and share their stories in a way that is safe, supported, and promotes better understanding by the broader community and institutions

establish events and reunions

develop memorials and monuments that are of significance to those with a lived experience

undertake research in the area of institutional child sexual abuse, acknowledging other forms of abuse

explore the impact of institutional child sexual abuse and other forms of abuse.

Applications for the Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Grants Program are currently open and will close on Friday 2 August 2019.

Visit the Queensland Government’s website for further details: