State Budget – Nothing but neglected roads and re-announcements for Somerset

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State Budget – Nothing but neglected roads and re-announcements for Somerset

Member for Nanango, Deb Frecklington, says Somerset road infrastructure has been overlooked for the fifth year in a row under the Labor Government.

Mrs Frecklington said the 2019/20 State Budget doesn’t address the need for road upgrades needed across the Somerset, with just 0.34% of the State Network roads budget (North Coast region) assigned to the Somerset.

“Our major highways like the D’Aguilar Highway, Brisbane Valley Highway, and our key networking roads like Coominya Connection Road, Esk-Gatton Road and the Kilcoy-Murgon Road have received no funding,” Mrs Frecklington said.

“Last year was bad enough when the Somerset received just 1.9% in road funding, but it’s even worse this year with less than 1% in the budget for the next 3 years.

“This is very disappointing for our community but it’s to be expected from this city-centric Labor Government.

“One of the great lies of this budget is that it is for regional Queensland. The money Labor is actually spending on infrastructure is being funnelled into a handful of inner-Brisbane electorates for their pet project Cross River Rail.

Across the region, Mrs Frecklington said several infrastructure projects have simply been re-announced.

“This is the second year in a row Labor have announced the Esk Fire Station and Jimna Fire Tower. I wonder how long they’ll keep pulling the wool over our eyes,” Deb said.

“I am also particularly disappointed there was no consideration of funding for a new Hall for Kilcoy SHS. I had written to the Education Minister, Grace Grace, to highlight this need, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears. I will keep fighting for this important piece of infrastructure on behalf of the Kilcoy community,” Deb said.