New Website to Help DV Victims

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New Website to Help DV Victims

The Palaszczuk Government has launched a new website for domestic violence victims that will provide easy-to-access information in one central place for victims.

The website will have information on legal advice, housing options, mental health support, court support, child custody arrangements, and employment options.

“This is hugely important initiative for Queenslanders affected by domestic and family violence,” said Chris Whiting.

“Statistics tell us that one in 5 women and one in 20 men over the age of 15 have suffered physical abuse at the hands of an intimate partner.

“That means we all know personally know at least one person who has suffered this abuse.

“Now we have one central place where people can now access the information they need.

“The portal was developed in consultation with domestic and family violence services as well as victims of domestic and family violence.

“Have a look and see how simple and easy to use it is,” said Chris Whiting.