Neighbourhood centre support continues to grow

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Neighbourhood centre support continues to grow

The Palaszczuk Government is continuing to support the state’s network of 124 neighbourhood and community centres.

Minister for Communities Coralee O’Rourke said the Palaszczuk Government had provided $16 million in total operational funding this financial year (2018-19) to support neighbourhood and community centres right across the state.

“From Mount Isa to Maleny and Cooktown to Charleville, these centres are making a significant difference to the lives of individuals and families in their local communities,” Mrs O’Rourke said.

“Our funding this year means each and every neighbourhood and community centre now receives at least $115,000 in annual operational funding, with the average more than $129,000 per annum.

“Only three years ago, neighbourhood and community centres received just over $14 million in total operational funding from the Palaszczuk Government.”

In addition to the operational funding, seventy neighbourhood and community centres across the state will share in $800,000 that has been made available under the second round of the Thriving Communities grants.

These grants of up to $20,000 will support the neighbourhood and community centres to run events, deliver projects, or purchase equipment to help make Queensland communities thrive.

Mrs O’Rourke said the Palaszczuk Government was working hard to ensure neighbourhood and community centreswere well-funded at sustainable levels into the future.

“In many locations, these centres are hubs that can help respond to the diverse needs of families, seniors, young people, homeless people and migrants,’ she said.

“We know that neighbourhood and community centres are also leaders in a place approach to improve community, family and individual wellbeing.

“They know their communities and their needs, and the Palaszczuk Government is listening to them and working with them.

“We’re working closely with neighbourhood and community centres and the Queensland Families and Communities Association as the peak body, to gather better data and ensure funding and resources are targeted at the centres and areas in most need.”

The Palaszczuk Government is committed to building Thriving Communities where people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities can participate, are included and resilient, and enjoy high levels of social and economic wellbeing.

For more information about neighbourhood and community centres in Queensland, visit