Building for Better Education in Morayfield

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Building for Better Education in Morayfield

Audio above we chat to Mark Ryan on the Budget and Education

The Palaszczuk Labor Government has delivered a major funding boost to education for the Morayfield electorate in its 2019-20 State Budget.

State Member for Morayfield Mark Ryan announced that the State Budget would fund a range of new building and refurbishment projects at local schools.

“Education is once again a major priority for our region in this year’s budget,” Mr Ryan said.

“With our population growing it’s vital we keep ahead of our local education needs, both in terms of infrastructure and special education programs.

“That’s why I’m very pleased that this year’s budget strikes a good balance between funding major infrastructure projects such as the new $6 million hall at Morayfield State High School and the ongoing construction of the new secondary special school in Caboolture, and funding breakthrough education programs such as Caboolture East’s Early Childhood Development Program (ECDP).

“In fact, the ongoing funding of Caboolture East’s ECDP means a lot to me personally.

“This is a wonderful program that’s delivered excellent results for local families, but that success came with uncertainty as there was an end date on the funding.

“I visited the school late last year with Minister Grace, who listened intently as three local mums passionately spoke about the positive effect the ECDP had on their kids.

“Their stories were instrumental in convincing the minister that ECDPs need certainty, and that’s what we’ve delivered in this budget.

“With the ECDP’s funding now secure, many more local kids can benefit from this specialised program.”

Funding has been allocated for the following projects:

$910,000 for School enhancement works at Caboolture State High School

$2.20 million of $6.00 million – New hall – Morayfield State High School

$350,000 to Refurbish Block E and F – Morayfield State School

$300,000 for outdoor learning area at Caboolture Special School

$890,000 allocated across 11 schools in the Morayfield electorate for maintenance in schools throughout the 2019-20 financial year

$280,000 allocated across 12 schools in the Morayfield electorate for minor works in schools throughout the 2019-20 financial year

$5.21 million of $12.15 million – New building – five general learning spaces and seven specialist learning spaces at Caboolture State High School

$14.31 million of $22.2 million – (Stage 1) New special school in Caboolture

$1.43 million of $1.45 million – Site renewal including administration extension at Caboolture State High School