Pushing to green light the intersection of the D’Aguilar Highway & Campbells Pocket Road

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Pushing to green light the intersection of the D'Aguilar Highway & Campbells Pocket Road

Member for Glass House Andrew Powell is set to fight alongside local Wamuran residents to signalise the intersection of the D’Aguilar Highway and Campbell’s Pocket Road in a bid to get the choked up and unsafe intersection upgraded.

“This intersection is an absolute nightmare for local commuters. Wait times to get out of Campbell’s Pocket road and onto the highway can be up to fifteen minutes. When you’re trying to do the school run and get to work, that just isn’t acceptable.”

The current government has bluntly refused a request to fit the frustrating intersection with traffic lights, stating that “it is not a current high priority for funding as there are other intersections within the state and North Coast District demonstrating a greater need” and that there are “no current plans or funding to upgrade this intersection.”

“Campbell’s Pocket Road is the only exit road onto the highway for three estates with over six hundred houses in it – not to mention a regular short cut to and from Mt Mee. Road infrastructure needs to be able to keep up with population demands and that is simply not happening here.”

“Labor’s refusal to fund traffic lights is just another slap in the face for D’Aguilar Highway users who have already had to endure a year-long debacle over the construction of the Woodford overtaking lane.”

Together with local resident Paul Sempowicz, an online petition has been created calling on Labor to get on with the job and keep local residents safe.

“It’s an issue that is only going to get worse, not better. Wamuran is a constantly growing and deserves safer roads,” said Mr Sempowicz.

“If, like me, you think that the signalisation of this intersection is crucial for Wamuran commuters, please sign my petition at https://queensland.typeform.com/to/bieOgZ “ Mr Powell concluded.