Pine Rivers Park bank stabilisation works starts today

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Pine Rivers Park bank stabilisation works starts today

Works have started today to stabilise a 340 metre section of eroding riverbank at Pine Rivers Park in Moreton Bay.

Waterways Spokesperson Councillor Adam Hain said the project would involve:

*   Reshaping the slope to a gentler gradient

*   Installing hardwood timber piles and geotextile fabric

*   Revegetating the new embankment

“This project is part of a broader waterway rehabilitation program Council is progressively implementing across the entire region,” he said.

“Soil removed in the process of the riverbank stabilisation works won’t go to waste and will be used to level the overflow carpark and events space southwest of the amphitheatre at Pine Rivers Park.”

The project will also see mangrove seedpods from the area maintained and propagated as part of the revegetation works.

Mangroves are a delicate and important ecosystem and also serve as natural reinforcements for riverbanks.

Councillor for Division 9 Mike Charlton said the project was an important step in helping to preserve the riverbank into the future.

“It’s important we continue to understand the health of our water systems so residents can enjoy them for years to come,” he said.

“Not only is Pine Rivers Park a great destination for local events and family fun, it also plays an important role as a habitat for native animals and in the health of the local ecosystem.”

Work is expected to finish in October 2019, weather permitting.