Summer Storms & How to keep you or your family safe

When disaster strikes, it might be too late to figure out a plan of action to keep your family safe.

A household emergency plan is simple to prepare – and if you never have to use it, all the better. It will be the best time you’ve ever wasted.

Work with your household to decide the best plan for different scenarios, and make sure everyone is aware of what they need to do.

Things to consider:

1. If you live in a flood-prone area or if your home is at risk from storm tide, what would you do?

2. If you’re separated when a disaster happens (at work or school), how will you stay in touch with loved ones and where will you meet?

3. Where would you go if you need to evacuate?

4. Do you have a list of emergency contact phone numbers? This special Storm Season feature includes a full-size poster of useful information which you could hang inside your back door.

5. Does anyone have specific medical conditions or needs? Would they need assistance? Don’t forget your neighbours when working this out.

For example, is there someone nearby with impaired hearing who would need to be told of emergency warnings or other important information? Would anyone with mobility difficulties need help in an evacuation?

6. Don’t forget non-human family members. Do you need to make plans for pets?

7. Involve the kids in planning; they need to know what to do too.

8. In a storm emergency, your household could get stranded by floodwater or cut off from power, water or gas.

It is wise to have two kits ready in storm season, one in case you get stuck, and one for if you have to get out. If you run a business, you might consider having an “I’m stranded” kit ready in case your staff are flooded in.

If you live in a flood-prone area or if a cyclone is threatening, it would be worthwhile preparing your “I’m getting out” kit well before you need it. (See checklists on facing page.)

Check your kit every three months to stock up and rotate supplies to ensure provisions are fresh.

For more useful information on preparing for the worst and hoping for the best, go to and search for emergency plan”.