School is back in session, so are school zones

The State’s peak motoring body has urged motorists to slow down, with school zones back in force as students returned to class for term four.

RACQ spokesperson Renee Smith said motorists needed to be alert for children riding bikes, getting out of vehicles and crossing roads.

“With school back in session it’s vital for motorists to take extra care on our roads and remember school zones are back in force from this morning,” Ms Smith said.

“Children can be unpredictable so it’s up to motorists to be alert and prepared for anything, and always abide by the speed limit.

“Drivers must remember to reduce their speed to 40km/h in school zones on weekdays from 7-9am and 2-4pm, unless otherwise signed.

“Speed limits are set for a reason – to give motorists time to react to the unexpected and to reduce vehicle stopping distances.”

Ms Smith said if motorists were speeding through school zones they should expect to get caught.

“It’s not just dangerous to speed through school zones, it’s illegal,” she said.

Parents dropping their children off at school should:

? Park safely on the same side of the road as the school, if possible, and let children out on the kerb side
? Avoid reversing, particularly if visibility is hindered
? Never double park
? Never call to children from across the road – cross the road to them.

RACQ’s School Zone Safety video can be viewed at This site .

Source: Caboolture News