Palaszczuk Government returns Labour Day public holiday to first Monday in May

The Palaszczuk Government has restored the Labour Day public holiday to its rightful place in May, Treasurer Curtis and Minister for Industrial Relations Curtis Pitt said.

Mr Pitt said Queensland Parliament today passed amendments to the Holidays Act 1983 which would return Labour Day to the first Monday in May from 2016.

Returning Labour Day to the first Monday in May was one of our key election commitments and weve delivered on that commitment, he said.

The celebration of Labour Day on the first Monday in May has particular cultural and historical significance for Queenslanders.

“The achievements of the labour movement in securing the eight hour working day, collective bargaining, fair and safe working conditions, and decent and fair wages have long been recognised in Queensland by observing Labour Day on the first Monday in May.

Mr Pitt said from 2016, the Queens Birthday public holiday now held on the second Monday in June would be moved to the first Monday in October.

While the name of the public holiday in October will change, its important to note that there will still be a Monday to recover after NRL footy finals weekend, he said.

These changes have been necessary because of spiteful actions taken by the former Newman LNP Government.

In 2013, without any community consultation and without taking it to an election, Campbell Newmans government shamefully moved the Queens Birthday to June.

The LNP also moved the Labour Day public holiday from the first Monday in May, where it had been celebrated for over 100 years, to October.

Weve delivered what Queenslanders wanted, not what the Campbell Newman thought was best for them.

For more information, visit Public Holidays Site