Are you prepared for an emergency, any emergency at a moments notice?

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Are you prepared for an emergency, any emergency at a moments notice?

Preparation is essential in any emergency, at a moments notice you may need to invoke your emergency plan are you ready for that?

To many people reading this, may very well fall into the category of unprepared.

On the whole Queenslanders are the most prepared for emergencies across the country.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services spokeswoman (QFES) says it was important that Queenslanders are prepared for all types of emergencies, including flooding, cyclones and bushfires and understand the specific risks associated with each type.

After all it only takes one severe weather system, cyclone or bushfire to catch residents unprepared and put them at the risk of danger,

The Red Cross is the internationally recognised organisation that handles emergencies, read up on any earthquake, volcano eruption, tsunami, or cyclone you will usually find the Red Cross on the ready before disaster strikes.

It is no different in Australia, and being at the forefront of emergencies they runs the annual Emergency Preparation Week urging all Australians to be prepared.

One of the key parts of preparation is the eventuality of evacuation that may impact on you, are you ready ?

Here is a check list :

Your Essential Emergency Checklist:

1. Torches.

2. Make sure you have some cash for basic needs.

3. Bottled water.

4. Non-perishable food.

5. First-aid kit.

6. Blankets/protective clothing.

7. A plan for pets and their food.

8. Scans or copies of important documents including birth certificates, passports, wills, land titles, insurance papers.

9. Toys/comfort items for children.

10. Set yourself an annual reminder to check your survive and recover kit.

11. Credit Cards, cash and medicare cards

12. Essential Prescriptions and medical supplies

13. Underwear, Toothbrush/paste, deodorant

14. Your Phone and Chargers for electronic items

15. Jewellery, small sentimental items

16. A battery powered radio with spare batteries, know the radio station and social media pages you’ll need to follow for more information (for Moreton Bay Region 101.5 FM

Protecting your home to the best of your ability, might even save it in the case of a bushfire:

Poster above created by the Courier-Mail for the QFES