Business – Budgeting with Michelle Halvorsen 21/02
Michelle Halvorsen dives in the must do’s of budgeting for business Website: http://www.fiducian.com.au
Michelle Halvorsen dives in the must do’s of budgeting for business Website: http://www.fiducian.com.au
Motivational Coach Trish Springsteen with Communication Tip 12
Zonta Caboolture – Sue Droughton 25th year of International Womens Day Website: http://www.zontacaboolture.org.au
Donna Grigor from the Woodford Historical Society takes us back at rugby league in the local area
Joan Hartland (Treasurer) Caboolture Senior Citizens talks about 50th Anniversary and events forthcoming
Tahlia’s got the lowdown on where School Mackeral, Wahoo and Dolphin fish, Tuna, Summer Whiting, Flounder, Snapper and many others are being found in the Moreton Bay and estuaries. plus
Summary presented by Gordon Allen, our 101 Sports commentator wraps up all the international, national and local weekend sports results.
Carla Melbourne from the Caboolture Chamber of Commerce offers solutions to struggling businesses to get back on track and also identifies some vision for 2025 Website: https://www.greatercaboolture.com.au/
Daniel Hay from Director of Power 2 Brisbane explains the changes coming to employers keeping their superannuation contributions to employees current and on time, business timely tips to keep