Moreton District Police Supt John Hallam Advise on Pandemic 2020-04-22
We Speak with the New Supt Moreton Police District John Hallam, and his message is essential to all residents.
This week the message centres around Domestic Violence with a sharp spike in joblessness and those working from home have presented additional challenges for families so in response the Queensland Police have set up additional resources to report Domestic Violence at and additional resources at Also with so many students attending school via the internet it is important for parents to keep aware of their childrens activities outside of school work and there is a resource for this that should be helpful at Finally a message to boaties to remain safe and only go fishing if it is essential for food or livlihood and please keep social distancing measures in place while on your craft, there has been a upsurge of reported strandings of boaties and this trend needs to cease so that police and volunteer rescue services are not at risk of more urgent cases. Police want to remind community members that if a crime is happening now, or you are in danger to contact Triple Zero (000). If you would like to report a non-urgent matter, please visit the Policelink website. Over the past few weeks, I have seen our community band together from men escorting ducklings across the road, a gentleman at Bribie Island handing out toilet paper, people making survival packs and engaging with their neighbours, people supplying meals to others to many more acts of kindness and support. I am not only proud to serve this community as a Queensland Police Service officer, but to also live here and be apart of this community. Keep up the great work everyone, support each other, be compassionate, understanding and stay safe. We encourage you to take notice of the information being provided by Queensland Health, and to continue practicing social distancing and good hygiene habits. We would also like to provide you with some lines of support from other government and non-government agencies.
Continue to look out for each other, be compassionate and patient and we will get through this together. |
Emergency 000 | Policelink 131 444 | Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 |