Moreton District Police Supt John Hallam Advice on Pandemic 2021-02-03

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We Speak with the Supt Moreton Police District John Hallam, and his message is essential to all residents.

More then ever we need to be vigilant and prevent the spread.

If your feeling ill after these events you should call 13-HEALTH or your local Doctor for further information.

Police want to remind community members that if a crime is happening now, or you are in danger to contact Triple Zero (000).

If you would like to report a non-urgent matter, please visit the Policelink website.

I am not only proud to serve this community as a Queensland Police Service officer, but to also live here and be apart of this community.

Keep up the great work everyone, support each other, be compassionate, understanding and stay safe.

We encourage you to take notice of the information being provided by Queensland Health, and to continue practicing social distancing and good hygiene habits.

We would also like to provide you with some lines of support from other government and non-government agencies.

Organisation How they can help you Notes
Queensland Health Up to date information on COVID- 19
Metro North Health Localised COVID-19 information
Department of Employment, Small Business and Training Support for business and employees
Moreton Bay Regional Council Local information and support services If you reside outside of the Moreton Regional Council area please check your local council webpage for information relevant to your council services
Department of Communities Community recovery hotline and services If you have no other means of getting food or essential items, call 1800 173 349 to the community recovery hotline
Lifeblood Blood donations needed All donors must be in full health and there are rigorous screening measures in place prior to donation
Lifeline Support agency and general information
Beyond Blue Mental health support
National Parks and Wildlife Park closures
SEQ Water Recreation site closures
Family and Child Connect Family and child support Family and child connect is confidential, free and puts you in contact with the support you need to make things better for you and your family
Family Court of Australia Parenting orders Are the restrictions having an impact on your parenting orders?
Domestic and family violence  Services and support for persons impacted by domestic and family violence
DV Connect Services and support for persons impacted by domestic and family violence DV Connect can also be contacted on 1800 811 811
Centre Against Domestic Abuse Inc Services and support for persons impacted by domestic and family violence CADA is a local serviceOffice hours are Monday – Friday between 9am – 5pmPhone (07) 5498 9533
Australian Taxation Office Business support
Centrelink Information, services and financial support Must have a myGov account
Residential Tenancies Authority Rental information Rental grant
Real Estate Institute of Australia Rental and real estate information

Continue to look out for each other, be compassionate and patient and we will get through this together.

Emergency 000 Policelink 131 444 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000