The Food & Agribusiness Network Event at Luvaberry Wamuran: up close with jackie Price from FAN

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The Food & Agribusiness Network Event at Luvaberry Wamuran: up close with jackie Price from FAN

We spoke with Jackie Price who is an integral part of the The Food & Agribusiness Network as the manager of the program Director of the Growth Coastal Accelerator Program.

It is a program that is run once a year at the co delivered by FAN and the Innovation centre at sippy downs, it teaches businesses to scale up their business.

It is a 12 week program covering accounting, legals, business strategy, then there is food strategies including labeling, production, hazards, nutrition fundamentals, and then an extension of that includes marketing exporting social good packaging, good story telling media video press releases.

this is done every Tuesday and gives you all the fundamental essentials you can access and review as your business grows, it is a bit like a PHD on steroids done in quick time so it is quite intensive but well worth taking part in.

This program is funded by Advance Queensland, if you want to go to the Innovation centre’s website and check out programs

The network has been going on for 3 and a half years it has always been about the Greater Sunshine Coast and Moreton Bay Region from day one.

The network now boasts 280 members that have jumped on board with plenty of room for more to join up and be exited with the networking potential this group now boasts.

It is now one of the fastest growing organisations in Australia.

FAN covers the Moreton Bay Region, Sunshine Coast and hinterland and up through Gympie, which is growing exponentially with every event they hold from both well established businesses to hobby farmers and enthusiasts.

Their website is, and you can follow them on facebook at