Motor Torque on Sport 101.5 2019-06-06

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Motor Torque – Thursday 6 June 2019 – program 16

Time Segment
7.00-7.02pm Introduction:  Steve Buchanan  from the Qld Motor Sports Officials Association
7.02-7.14pm Segment 1: Interview with Brandon Madden

·       HQ Driver from 1hr race last Saturday

7.14-7.18pm Segment 2: Panel:

·       Interview follow up

·       News:

o   Winter Nationals

o   Shannon Nationals  (TRC)

o   Noosa Hill climb

o   V8 Race Experience

o   2 days of Thunder 22/23 June

7.22-7.28pm Segment 3: Panel:

·       News: (cont.)

7.28pm Sign off